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Showing articles from ZEN04 tag

How to Access Advanced Settings for the ZEN04 Smart Plug on SmartThings

## With the SmartThings transition to a new platform (the [lua platform][1]), the original Groovy custom device handlers are no longer supported. We have created new custom Edge drivers specifically for the lua platform. Please follow the instructions on how to install the driver. If you haven't added one before, it'…

How to Add Your ZEN04 Smart Plug to Home Assistant

## If your ZEN04 works 100% manually, then it's time to add it to your Home Assistant Z-Wave network! The ZEN04 Smart Plug will soon be officially integrated with the [new ZWaveJS integration][1] of Home Assistant, so you won't have access to the advanced settings until the integration is finalized. We would recommen…

ZEN04 Smart Plug FAQs

## **Frequently Asked Questions About the ZEN04 Smart Plug** Find the answers to your questions quickly by searching key words! 1. Press the CTRL and F keys at the same time on your keyboard. A little box should pop up in your browser window. 2. Type in a key word in your question like "hub" or "compatible". You…

ZEN04 Smart Plug Specs

**Here are the technical details and specs for the ZEN04 Smart Plug** * **Z-Wave Frequency:** 908.42 MHz (US) * **Power:** 120 VAC, 60 Hz * **Maximum Loads:** 960W incandescent, 150W LED bulbs, 15A resistive, 1/3 HP fan motors * **Z-Wave Range:** Up to 300 feet line of sight * **Dimensions:**** **1.5" tall,…

ZEN04 Smart Plug Advanced Settings

## Here is a full list of advanced settings (parameters) for the ZEN04 Smart Plug: ### _LED Indicator_ **Parameter 1:** Decide how the LED indicator behaves depending on the on/off status of the plug. **Note** that the LED will flash green 3 times anytime a setting is successfully changed. **Values:** 0 – LED indi…

Zooz SmartThings Edge Drivers

SmartThings is slowly transitioning from the legacy groovy platform to the [new lua platform][1]. This creates new challenges for seamless integration as well as access to key and advanced features of our devices. As usual, we're committed to providing the best possible experience to all of our customers, regardless o…

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