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Showing articles from SmartThings tag

How to Access Advanced Settings for My ZEN24 Dimmer Switch on SmartThings

This is product is discontinued and replaced with the **[ZEN74][1]**. [What does that mean?][2] ## SmartThings has transitioned to the new [lua platform][3]; consequently the groovy-based device handlers are no longer supported. Don't worry, we've created a new custom Edge driver for the ZEN24 Switch for the lua pla…

My ZSE29 Outdoor Motion Sensor Shows Offline in SmartThings

## This error usually points to a range or connectivity issue. Let's figure this out: We always start by performing **Network Repair**. This feature refreshes the connections between the hub and devices, and allows the hub to find the best communicate route to each device. **In your SmartThings app:** 1. Open you…

Can't Add My ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer to SmartThings

## If you're experiencing inclusion issues with your device, exclusion is always the first thing to try. But first, check that you've installed the [Edge driver for the ZEN31][1]. Without the driver, the ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer won't be recognized by SmartThings correctly. Once you've confirmed that the driver has been in…

My ZSE18 Motion Sensor Shows Offline in SmartThings

## Whether it's a range or general connectivity issue, here's what to try. **Network Repair **is a feature that refreshes the connections between the hub and devices, and allows the hub to find the best communicate route to each device. You can repair the network using the SmartThings app. See the steps below : 1.…

My ZEN25 Double Plug Shows Offline in SmartThings

## The "Unavailable" error usually points to a connectivity or range issue. A good place to start is refreshing your mesh network's connections via network repair: 1. Open your SmartThings app and locate your SmartThings hub under Devices. Tap the hub to see the device details. 2. Tap the three dots in the uppe…

How to Access Advanced Settings for My ZEN06 Smart Plug on SmartThings

## The ZEN06 is officially integrated with SmartThings, and basic functionality is available for the device with the integration. Because the device was discontinued and the basic functionality is available through official integration, we will not be creating custom Lua code for the new SmartThings platform for this…

My ZEN27 Dimmer Switch Shows Offline in SmartThings

## It may point to a connectivity or range issue. Here are some things to try: **Network repair** is a nifty feature in your SmartThings app that allows you to refresh your mesh network's connections, so it's best to start here: 1. Open your SmartThings app and locate your SmartThings hub under Devices. Tap the hu…

My Z-Wave Device Won't Add To The Hub

## There are a few reasons why you may be having issues pairing your new Z-Wave device to the hub. Below we list the most common causes and how to address them so you can join your product to the network quickly and start using it in no time! _**1. THE DEVICE IS ALREADY ADDED TO A Z-WAVE NETWORK**_ ** CAUSE: **How …

Can't Add My ZEN32 Scene Controller to SmartThings

## Trouble including the ZEN32 Scene Controller to your SmartThings hub? Give exclusion a try! The first thing to double check is that you have installed the Edge driver for the ZEN32. You can find the steps to [install the new lua Edge driver here][1]. With the Edge driver installed, you can go ahead and give exclu…

My ZEN15 Power Switch Shows Offline in SmartThings

## If you see the device is Unavailable, this might point to a range or connectivity issue. Here's what to try: You can repair the network using the SmartThings app. **Network repair** is a useful feature that allows you to refresh your mesh network's connections. See the steps below: 1. Open your SmartThings app …

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