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Showing articles from ZEN72 tag

Lights Flicker with My ZEN72 Dimmer Switch

## LED lights flickering might be due to driver incompatibility between the bulb and dimmer. The executive element in the ZEN72 Dimmer switches is TRIAC, a leading edge driver. If your LED bulbs call for a dimmer that uses a trailing edge driver, it could cause the lights in your installation to flicker. If you'd pr…

How to Access Advanced Settings for the ZEN72 Dimmer Switch 700 on SmartThings

## With SmartThings transitioning to a new platform (the [lua platform][1]), the old Groovy custom device handlers will now be unusable. Make sure to install the new custom Edge driver for the ZEN72 Dimmer! Below are the steps for how to install and if you haven't added one before, it's an easy process that only take…

Zooz Light Switches & Dimmers FAQs

## **Frequently Asked Questions About Zooz Light Switches & Dimmers** Find the answers to your questions quickly by searching key words! 1. Press the CTRL and F keys at the same time on your keyboard. A little box should pop up in your browser window. 2. Type in a key word in your question like "hub" or "compati…

ZEN72 Dimmer Change Log

## Here is a list of updates we made to the ZEN72 700 Series Dimmer so far: ### _VER. 1.0 (released 12/2020)_ _Original release_ **Firmware: 1.01** * Central scene triggers for up to 10 scenes or devices * Smart bulb mode (disable relay) * Support for on/off and momentary switch types in direct 3-way * …

Zooz SmartThings Edge Drivers

SmartThings is slowly transitioning from the legacy groovy platform to the [new lua platform][1]. This creates new challenges for seamless integration as well as access to key and advanced features of our devices. As usual, we're committed to providing the best possible experience to all of our customers, regardless o…

3-Way Diagrams for ZEN71, ZEN72, and ZEN32 Switches

## Here are 3 diagrams for the most popular 3-way wiring scenarios. These instructions are for the ZEN71, ZEN72, and ZEN32 models only. Please read these tips before installing your switch: * **These diagrams apply to the following models ONLY: ZEN71, ZEN72, and ZEN32. (If you have a ZEN73, ZEN74, ZEN76, or a ZEN7…

Can My Zooz Switch Be Used with Add-Ons, Dimmers, or Another Z-Wave Switch?

## While Zooz switches cannot be directly wired to other smart switches or electronic add-on switches, you can make two Zooz switches work together using remote Z-Wave control. Remember, always wire your Zooz switches according to the appropriate diagram from the manual for the model you're installing. Zooz switches …

Minimum Load Requirement - Why It's There

## Why is there a 15W / 20W minimum load required for some of our dimmers? Our recommendation is to have at least 15 Watts of load connected to your Zooz ZEN22, ZEN24, ZEN72, ZEN74, and ZEN77 VER 3.0/4.0 dimmers even though chances are the switch will work just fine with a single LED bulb as well. It's quite random h…

ZEN2X vs ZEN7X Models: What's the Difference

## You may have noticed our Zooz light switches line has expanded. We just love updating and upgrading products for you! So what's the difference between the new 700 series switches and the 500 series models? **Here is a short list of upgrades we implemented in the 700 series models:** * **700 series Z-Wave chip*…

How Can I Identify the Wiring For My Zooz Switches?

## Don't install your Zooz switches if you're not absolutely sure that you have identified all of your wires correctly. Safety first! It's always best to consult a licensed electrician to complete the installation if you have any doubt about the process. Improper connections may cause personal injury and equipment da…

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