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Showing articles from ZEN31 tag

My ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer is Unresponsive to My Z-Wave System

## If your RGBW Dimmer works well manually but you see an error in your hub's interface, this may be a range or configuration issue. Your RGBW Dimmer is a Z-Wave Plus device that has range of 100 feet (line of sight). However, range can be shortened by interferences like floors, walls, metal and glass elements, and e…

How to Change the Advanced Settings for Your ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer in Vera

## Your RGBW Dimmer can be customized using more than 15 different parameters. Play around with ramp rates, energy reports, on/off status after power failure, and so much more. You can even use the preset lighting programs (fireplace, storm, rainbow, polar lights, or police) to create custom lighting for parties, mov…

Why is My ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer Not Recognized by Wink?

## Unfortunately, Wink doesn't provide blanket compatibility for all multi- channel devices. Wink also doesn't support many of the newer Z-Wave Plus devices based on the updated command classes. [Here's more][1] about the ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer's compatibility. And if you're looking for a system that's more open and flex…

Can't Add My ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer to My Z-Wave System

## If you're having issues adding your device, exclusion is always the first thing to try. "Exclusion" is the general term we use for removing or unpairing a device from your system. Different hubs and brands will use different words for the same process, even though it's just a reset. A device doesn't need to be inc…

ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer FAQs

## **Frequently Asked Questions About the ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer** Find the answers to your questions quickly by searching key words! 1. Press the CTRL and F keys at the same time on your keyboard. A little box should pop up in your browser window. 2. Type in a key word in your question like "hub" or "compatible". Yo…

Recommended Accessories for Your ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer

## Searching for a reliable power supply or recommended LED strips for your ZEN31? Look no further! The ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer should be powered by a [2A rated 12 VDC Power Supply][1]. Battery based power supplies cannot be used with any of our devices. **The RGBW Dimmer cannot be powered by any type of dimmable transform…

How to Add Your ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer to Vera

## Even though the RGBW Dimmer is not officially supported by Vera, you'll still have basic control functionality when used with Vera's RGBW Plug-in. The RGBW Plug-in can be accessed [here][1]. After the plug-in is installed, select the **Devices** tab in your Vera app. Then click on the gray "**+ Add Device**" butto…

How to Add Your ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer to Hubitat

## Hubitat has officially integrated the ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer to work directly from out of the box. If you're using the latest **Hubitat C-7 hub**, you'll want to select **Include with security** on your security screen when prompted since the RGBW Dimmer supports S2 Smart Start. If you're using an older Hubitat hub, yo…

How to Access the Advanced Settings for Your RGBW Dimmer ZEN31 on Home Assistant

## It is recommended to switch over to the new JS integration of Home Assistant to have all of the advanced settings exposed. Zooz products are now officially integrated with the [new ZWaveJS integration of Home Assistant][1]. If you're experiencing issues with accessing the advanced settings of your ZEN31 we would r…

How to Add Your ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer to Your Z-Wave System

## After you've checked that your RGBW Dimmer works well with the connected LED Strip and (optional) momentary wall switch, now it's time to add the unit to your Z-Wave system. There are many words for it depending on the system you're using, but the standard term we use is "inclusion." Inclusion is just the process …

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