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Home > Light Switches > ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer > ZEN31 & Hubitat > How to Trigger a Light Effect / Animation on ZEN31 in Hubitat
How to Trigger a Light Effect / Animation on ZEN31 in Hubitat
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The RGBW Dimmer comes with 5 light effect modes to set a mood or just have some fun with your lights: fireplace, storm, rainbow, polar lights, and police (strobing red, white, and blue). Here's how to trigger any of these animation using the Hubitat Rule Machine.


1. Create a virtual switch device: Under Devices click on + Add Virtual Device and select Virtual Switch as the Type, then name your device (something that will let you identify it right away, like "Unicorns and rainbows") - this will be the device you'll be activating from the dashboard and through voice control. Click Save Device.


2. Create a rule in the Rule Machine app and select the virtual switch as the trigger (If "Unicorns & Rainbows" is on...), click on Done with this Trigger and then click Done with Trigger Events.


3. Program the Action: select Set Mode, Variables or File, Run Custom Action from the drop down, then select Run Custom Action, select Switch as Capability, and select the ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer (master device) from the device drop-down, click Update.


4. Select setEffect as the custom command from the drop-down menu, select number under parameter type, input 3 as the integer value for the rainbow mode (or 1 for fireplace, 2 for storm, 4 for polar lights, and 5 for police), click on Done with parameter and Done with this action


5. Make sure your Rule has a name / label, then click Done.

Now you'll be able to create a new tile in the Dashboard when you select Rainbows & Unicorns as the device and switch as the template. You should also see the new virtual switch under devices in Alexa.


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