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Showing articles from Wiring tag

When Can I Use the ZEN30 Double Switch?

### The ZEN30 Double Switch is a perfect replacement for your existing stacked switch but it also works great in other scenarios. We've outlined all the different ways you could take advantage of this versatile device below but do [let us know][1] if we missed anything! * **A stacked 2-in-1 switch controlling a fan…

5-Way Diagrams for ZEN26 and ZEN27 Switches

## You can wire your Zooz S2 switches in a 5-way as long as one of the boxes has power and neutral coming in directly from the breaker. These instructions are for ZEN26 and ZEN27 models only. How do you know if that's the case? The easiest way to find out is to look for a black wire bundle and white wire bundle in th…

3-Way Diagrams for ZEN26 and ZEN27 Switches

## 2-Point control, or a 3-way, couldn't be simpler to automate with our ZEN**26 and **ZEN**27** wall switches. Just locate the box with power and neutral in it and install the device according to one of the diagrams below. How do you find direct connection to power? The easiest way is to locate a black wire bundle a…

ZEN72 VS ZEN77: What's the Difference

## Which Zooz Dimmer model should I use for my set-up? The differences for the ZEN72 and ZEN77 models are similar to those of their 500 series predecessors, the[ ZEN22 and ZEN27][1], where they are wired differently in 3-way (or larger) installations and support different loads. **Please note**: both the ZEN72 and Z…

4-Way Diagrams for ZEN26 and ZEN27 Switches

## You can wire your Zooz S2 ZEN26 and ZEN27 switches in a 4-way if one of the boxes has direct connection to power and neutral. Load and line can be in separate boxes, that's fine! How do you check for power and neutral? The easiest way to find out is to look for a black wire bundle and white wire bundle in the back…

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