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Showing articles from Troubleshooting tag

How Do I Perform Hard Reset on My ZAC38 Range Extender?

## If your ZAC38 Range Extender is unresponsive to Z-Wave and manual commands, then it's time to try a factory reset. A hard reset will restore the device to factory settings and erase all customization and recorded activity. First, make sure the device is powered, then follow the steps below: * **Click the Z-Wav…

Can't Add My ZEN53 DC Motor Controller to Home Assistant

## If you are having difficulty including your ZEN53 DC Motor Controller to Home Assistant, the best place to start is exclusion! The device can be excluded from Home Assistant even if it has never been successfully included. Exclusion is a simple process that acts like a hub-based reset that helps with any configurat…

My ZEN16 Multirelay Shows "Can't Detect Device" in Vera

## A "Can't Detect Device" error suggests a range or connectivity issue. If the ZEN16 displays as "can't detect device" in your Vera app, try to resolve the issue by using **Update Neighbor Nodes. **This is a helpful feature in Vera's interface that allows you to refresh the connections between hub and the devices an…

Can't Add My ZEN54 0-10V Dimmer to SmartThings

## Inclusion troubles? Please start by ensuring you have [the lua Edge driver installed for the ZEN54][1], in order for the device to be correctly recognized and configured on SmartThings. If you have the driver installed, give exclusion a try before including the ZEN54. The device can be excluded at any time, even i…

My ZEN52 Double Relay Shows Offline in SmartThings

## If inclusion was initially successful, but your ZEN52 Double Relay shows offline in SmartThings, it may indicate a range or connectivity issue. Network Repair can be used to refresh your mesh network's connections using the SmartThings app. This helps the SmartThings hub find a more efficient route to the relay. …

ZSE43 Tilt | Shock XS Sensor Shows Offline in SmartThings

## If your ZSE43 XS sensor is included but shows offline, it may be a range or connectivity issue. The Network Repair feature can refresh your mesh network's connections using the SmartThings app. **Steps for Network Repair below:** 1. Open your SmartThings app and locate your SmartThings hub under Devices. Tap t…

Can't Add My ZSE43 Tilt | Shock XS Sensor to SmartThings

Having trouble including your ZSE43? Excluding the device may help. ** ** Even if your Tilt|Shock XS Sensor was never successfully added to SmartThings, exclusion acts as a soft reset. It can help with a variety of configuration and inclusion issues. **Here are the steps for exclusion from the SmartThings app:** …

There is No LED Activity and My ZEN51 Dry Contact Relay is Unresponsive

## Is the ZEN51 Dry Contact Relay installed, but there is no LED activity, and the relay is unresponsive? Please check the list below. * First, check that you have restored power to the unit at the breaker panel, following the completion of the installation. * Ensure the device is connected to an electric power …

There is No LED Activity and My ZSE11 Q Sensor is Unresponsive

## The ZSE11 Q Sensor can be powered by 2 CR 123A batteries (included) _**OR**_ a micro-USB cable (sold separately). The sensor can only be powered by a single power source. If it's powered by both USB and battery, it may damage it and it could not work on battery reliably afterwards. ### Once the batteries **or** U…

There is No LED Activity and My ZSE43 Tilt | Shock Sensor is Unresponsive

## The ZSE43 Tilt | Shock Sensor's LED indicator should flash once the battery tab is removed from the device for around 10 seconds, or any time you press the Z-Wave button. Are you not seeing the LED indicator flash, or is the device unresponsive to commands? To start, please ensure the battery is inserted correctly…

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