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Showing articles from ZAC36 tag

How to Add Your ZAC36 Valve Actuator to Home Assistant

## Once you've successfully installed the ZAC36 on your water valve, you can pair it with your Home Assistant network. Always mount the device securely and calibrate it before trying to add the actuator to your Z-Wave system. The Titan will fit on valves up to 1.25". Is your pipe larger? [Reach out to us about an exte…

ZAC36 Valve Actuator Change Log

## Here is a list of the changes and updates we made to the ZAC36 Titan Water Valve Actuator so far. ### _VER. 1.0 (released 8/2021)_ _Original release._ **Hardware:** * 700 Series Z-Wave chip * Smart auto-calibration process * IP 66 outdoor rating * Included 4.75' water leak probe * Installation Require…

How to Add Your ZAC36 Valve Actuator to SmartThings

## Including the ZAC36 to your SmartThings is an easy process with just a few steps! The Titan will fit on valves up to 1.25". Is your pipe larger? [Reach out to us about an extension kit][1] for the ZAC36 to accommodate larger pipes/valves. The ZAC36 will display as a Fortrezz Valve out of the box, but the custom lu…

ZAC36 Valve Actuator FAQs

## **Frequently Asked Questions About the ZAC36 Titan Water Valve Actuator** Find the answers to your questions quickly by searching key words! 1. Press the CTRL and F keys at the same time on your keyboard. A little box should pop up in your browser window. 2. Type in a key word in your question like "hub" or "…

ZAC36 Valve Actuator LED And Sound Indicator Guide

## Wondering if your Titan Water Valve Actuator is behaving correctly? Here is a list of the LED indicator sequences and beep sounds you should see when performing all of the device's basic functions. The Titan will fit on valves up to 1.25". Is your pipe larger? [Reach out to us about an extension kit][1] for the ZA…

ZAC36 Valve Actuator Advanced Settings

## Here is a full list of advanced settings (parameters) for the ZAC36 Valve Actuator VER. 1.19 firmware: ### _Water Valve Command and Reporting Behavior_ **Parameter 17: **Decide which Z-Wave commands and reports you'd like to use to display when the device is open or closed (or to open / close the device). Default…

Zooz SmartThings Edge Drivers

SmartThings is slowly transitioning from the legacy groovy platform to the [new lua platform][1]. This creates new challenges for seamless integration as well as access to key and advanced features of our devices. As usual, we're committed to providing the best possible experience to all of our customers, regardless o…

ZAC36 Valve Actuator Installation Guide

## Please follow the below steps carefully to complete the Titan Valve Actuator installation safely. _First, please check your valve to make sure it's a good fit for the Titan device:_ * **Ball valve** type 0.5" - 1.25" only. Is your pipe larger? [Reach out to us about an extension kit][1] for the ZAC36 to accommo…

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