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Showing articles from Hardware Issue tag

My ZEN26 On/Off Switch Won't Turn the Lights On

### Let's see if something about the installation can be improved: Here's our general wiring guide for Zooz S2 switches (wiring guide coming soon). If you have the switch installed in a multi-point set-up like a 3-way, 4-way, or [5-way][1] (additional diagrams coming soon), make sure to refer to the relevant diagrams…

How to Turn Off Your ZEN27 Dimmer's LED Indicator

### S2 Paddle Switches give you two ways to control your switch's LED indicator. If your Z-Wave hub allows access to advanced settings and parameter input, you can enable and disable the LED indicator by going to your hub's app interface and changing the value for Parameter 2 (here's how to do that in [Vera][1] and […

How Do I Perform Hard Reset on My ZEN32 Scene Controller?

## Trouble with your ZEN32? Try factory reset! If your Scene Controller is unresponsive to manual and Z-Wave control, and you've already tried excluding the device from your network, then a factory reset is the next step. A hard reset will erase all custom settings and recorded activity, returning the device to facto…

How Do I Perform Hard Reset on My ZEN20 Power Strip?

## Reset is a good move if your ZEN20 Power Strip is unresponsive to commands or shows no LED activity whatsoever. **Click-click-click’n’hold the CH1 button for at least 10 seconds** to reset your ZEN20 Power Strip to factory settings. All of the LED indicators should flash to confirm a successful reset. If you don't…

How Do I Perform Hard Reset on My ZSE40 4-in-1 Sensor?

## Reset is a good move if your sensor is unresponsive to commands or shows no LED activity no matter what you try. You can reset your ZSE40 4-in-1 Sensor to factory settings by **opening the battery cover** to release the tamper switch and **pressing and releasing the Z-Wave button with a paperclip 10 TIMES quickly …

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