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Showing articles from ZEN31 tag

How to Access Advanced Settings for My ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer on SmartThings

## Looking to include and control the ZEN31 from SmartThings? While we will not be providing a custom Edge driver for this device, there is a community driver available, which can be accessed through this link: [ web/accept?id=6b68563b-1905-4654-8d2b-e677a2997424][1]. You'll want…

Can I Use My ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer with a Single Color LED Strip?

### Yes, you absolutely can! Opt for a single-color LED strip instead of a standard RGBW strip if that works better for your smart home goals. Instead of using all channels on the ZEN31 dimmer, you'll just connect the strip to the appropriate color channel terminal. If you'd like to use multiple single-color LED stri…

ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer Specs

**Here are the technical details for the RGBW Dimmer: ** * **Z-Wave Signal Frequency:** 908.42 MHz * **Power:** 12 / 24 V DC **(Do NOT connect to 120 V AC high-voltage power!)** * **Maximum Load:** 10 A total between all channels (6 A per channel max); 120 W total when powered by 12 V DC / 240 W total when powe…

How to Add Your ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer to SmartThings

## You'll need to [add an Edge driver][1] prior to including the ZEN31 to SmartThings to ensure it is recognized correctly and to ensure you have full control of all the device's channels. Once the Edge driver is installed, please follow the steps below to include the ZEN31 to SmartThings: * Click on the **"+" ico…

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