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How Does Zooz Support Center Work
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The Zooz Support Center is a great resource for finding device information, troubleshooting steps to try on your own, and keeping track of your Zooz support tickets.

Do you need an account to access the Knowledge Base articles?

  • No - all of our support are accessible without needing an account or logging in to your existing account.

So why should I create an account? 

  • Creating an account is simple, free, and gives you access to track the status of your support ticket.

Create and Access Your Zooz Support Center Account

If you're looking for the Support Center from the GetZooz website, you'll want to click the Support tab in the top row of the page:



You can also reach this page directly at and should land here where you'll want to click Login in the top right corner:



Creating a new account? Click the Request New Account button in the bottom right:



Fill in your Name (First and Last Preferred) and Email address. We recommend using an email that you check regularly and adding the Zooz Support email ([email protected]) to your Contacts so that our replies don't end up in your Spam, Junk, or Promotional folders. Click Submit:



A light blue banner with the message "We have sent you an email with instructions to activate your account." will appear at the very top of the page briefly and then disappear. Wait a minute or two and check your email for a new message with the activation link:



Click the activation link to complete your account set-up. Fill in your Full Name and create a Password. You can find the exact Password requirements in the screenshot below. We recommend writing your password down in a secure place.



Once you see two green checkmarks for both Password and Confirm Password, click Confirm Account:



You will be logged in automatically. You should see a light blue banner at the top of the page welcoming you which will appear briefly and then disappear. In the top right corner, you should see a circle icon with your initials to confirm you're logged in successfully:



If you already have an account or are logging back in, you will use the left side column to log in. If your browser has previously saved your login information, it may input your Username instead of your Email. We recommend logging in with your Email. Logging in with your Username may result in the error below:


(example of Username being auto filled in)


(example of inputting the Email Address)


If you encounter this error (Your account has been temporarily locked for 60 minutes due to multiple invalid login attempts), try logging in again and make sure you use your email address and the correct password. If you still receive the error, try clearing the cache/cookies/browsing history or using a different browser.



If you forgot your password, you can click on the hyperlinked Forget Password? under the Password box:



Type in your email address and click Submit. You will be redirected to the Support homepage :



A light blue banner with the message "You have been emailed instructions to reset your password." will appear at the very top of the page briefly and then disappear. Wait a minute or two and check your email for a new message with the activation link:



Click the link to reset your password. Enter your new Password and enter it again under Confirm Password. Once ready, click Reset Password. We recommend writing your password down in a secure place.



Once you click Reset Password, you will be redirected to the main support page. A light blue banner with the message "Your password has been reset!" will appear at the very top of the page briefly and then disappear.



Making Changes to Your Zooz Support Center Account

Once you're logged in, you're ready to make settings changes and access your support tickets. For settings changes, you'll want to click on the circle icon containing your initials in the top right corner. A dropdown should appear - select My Settings.



On the left hand side, you'll have 4 settings options that can be customized: Basic Info, Localization, Support Center, and Notifications:


- Basic Info: Modify your personal details like name, phone number, etc.



- Localization: Configure language and time zone default values that will affect your contact portal.



- Support Center: Specify your Post-Login Support Center-related settings.



- Notifications: Choose to enable/disable the different e-mail notifications that you'll receive. Note: If you disable receiving Ticket Replies, you'll need to make sure to check your Tickets during the course of troubleshooting your devices / reaching out with any other questions.



The Most Important Part: My Tickets

Odds are if you're logged into the portal, you're either updating the firmware of your Zooz devices or reaching out to support with questions or device troubles. Zooz Support replies to emails within 24 hours, 7 days a week and can schedule calls Monday - Friday. The portal allows you to view your conversations with support in one easy place, and see when someone last replied. It's important to note that tickets are replied to from oldest, so please do not send additional emails or follow ups to our team before 24 hours have passed. You're most likely at the very top of the list and will receive a reply soon. If you reply asking for an update, your ticket will be sent to the back of the line and support won't notice until your ticket reaches the top again.


We highly encourage you to visit the Knowledge Base in the meantime and look for ways to self-troubleshoot your device. New articles are added often so that you can troubleshoot the steps we'll most likely ask you to try before initiating warranty or a replacement (if your device qualifies for either). If you do troubleshoot on your own, we recommend taking notes of the steps you took, the device's behavior, and any other pertinent information. Once you've tried everything you can think of, you can send us a single update. Please try not to send multiple updates while you're troubleshooting as it can get confusing to figure out what step of the troubleshooting process your device is on.


To Submit a New Ticket, please click on Contact Us and fill out the form completely. The more details you can include (device model, order number, device issues, etc), the quicker we'll be able to troubleshoot without a lot of back and forth emails. Some issues can be resolved quickly, others can be unique to your Z-Wave set-up and may need some additional troubleshooting.


To access your support tickets, click on My Tickets in the top right corner next to the circle icon with your initials. 



Here is where you can see your history of tickets (currently there are no tickets). To submit a new ticket, you'll want to click on Contact Us in the top right corner of the screen.



Fill out the form with as much relevant detail as possible. Be sure to include your Product Model, Order Number, Hub System, and Contact Details. The more information support receives in the submission, the fewer questions we'll need to ask and emails will need to be exchanged. We want to find the solution or resolve the issue as quickly as possible as much as you do! Help us help you. Once submitted, you'll receive the submission confirmation below:



If you don't think your contact form went through successfully, check in My Tickets:



NEW Status means we've received your message and will reply soon (within 24 hours). If you click on the ticket, you can see your message, ticket details, and add another reply if you have updates on the case. You'll see your name above your message and the Reply button in the bottom left corner.



You can view replies in two places - in the Support Center or in your e-mail inbox if you have e-mail notifications enabled. The status will now be OPEN, which means you've received a reply and we can troubleshoot the issue together:




A support agent's reply can include a mixture of questions, to help us better understand the installation or issue, and troubleshooting steps. We do our best to try and resolve the issue remotely so that you don't have to send your device back for warranty and wait for a replacement. We understand it can be a frustrating and time consuming process, but all technology, especially smart devices, can be finicky and one small troubleshooting step can make all the difference. Make sure to double check all of the details in a support agent's reply before sending your message to send all of the details in one go. You can also attach images (.jpg/.jpeg format preferred), PDF or Word documents, and hyperlink to any relevant sources of information for devices involved in your set-up.




Your messages and the information provided are all kept together in one place - so each support agent will have access to it and you don't need to send all of the details every time (unless your human support agent misses some detail in the sea of information in your ticket, and asks you for it again - it happens!). Here is an example of a very basic exchange, but you can expect an agent's reply to be a lot more informative and include specific questions since details like Product Model should already be included in your contact form, and if you're reaching out to Support, we can safely conclude that your device is experiencing issues. Give us details! What's still working, what isn't, does the device power up, have you tried any troubleshooting steps from our Knowledge Base, etc.





It can be easier to log in to your Support Center account to keep up with the conversation. Depending on your e-mail provider, replies can get lost or mixed in with other emails, making it tough to keep track. However you can reply from your e-mail as well:




If you ever prefer to contact us over the phone or call support, you can request a call by sending us a message through the Contact Us page in the Support Portal providing as many details as possible so we can match you with the right technician to answer your questions quickly. We will email you back within 24 hours with a link to schedule an appointment.


That's it! These are the tips and tricks we can offer you to receive the most effective and efficient support from Zooz. We are a small business with a small, but hard working team, and we try to get back to as many support tickets as we can every day. We are working towards improving and streamlining the troubleshooting process every day and appreciate your patience and cooperation. At the end of the day, we want what you want: a functional smart home and smart devices.

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Need more help? Our friendly team is ready to help you with any questions or concerns you may have about Zooz devices. Click here to submit a support ticket.

Are your devices registered? Extended warranty and firmware access is available for registered Zooz customers. Click here to submit your registration form.

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