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Showing articles from ZEN17 tag

My ZEN17 Universal Relay Shows Offline in SmartThings

## If your device is showing "offline" or has trouble with Z-Wave commands, it could mean there's an issue with range or configuration. The first thing to try would be a network repair. **Network repair** is a helpful feature that allows you to refresh your mesh network's connections. The hub forms any communication …

How to Add Your ZEN17 Universal Relay to Vera

## You'll have your Universal Relay paired to your Vera hub in no time! Here are the steps for adding the ZEN17 to Vera: 1. Select the **Devices** tab in your Vera app. Then click on the gray "**+ Add Device**" button. 2. Choose **Generic Z-Wave Device** from the device list 3. **Click the Z-Wave button on the…

How to Use the ZEN17 Universal Relay with DC Motors (Up | Down or Open | Close)

## Looking for a solution to automate your reversed polarity DC motor? The ZEN17 Universal Relay can add Z-Wave control to motorized awnings, shades, blinds, and motorized screens! Set up automations based on data from smart sensors, including brightness levels, temperature, and motion. Check out the instructions bel…

My ZEN17 Universal Relay is Unresponsive to Home Assistant

## If your ZEN17 shows as offline or is not responding to Z-Wave commands, it could indicate a range or connectivity issue. Interferences like large furniture, thick walls, or metal elements can shorten range. The Universal Relay has a range of up to 350 feet (line of sight) and uses the latest 700 series Z-Wave chip…

Can't Add My ZEN17 Universal Relay to My Z-Wave System

## Having trouble adding the ZEN17 to your Z-Wave system? You may need to exclude or remove the device before you can give the inclusion steps another try. Exclusion can help with a variety of inclusion and configuration issues. You can perform the process even if the device was never successfully included to your Z-…

How to Change the Advanced Settings for Your ZEN17 Universal Relay in Vera

## Customize the settings of your ZEN17 any way you like! You can adjust the settings for each individual relay including input type, built-in auto on/off timers, LED indicator behavior and more. Here are the steps to change parameters (or settings) in your Vera interface; below is how to set the auto-off timer to 2…

My ZEN17 Universal Relay is Unresponsive to My Z-Wave System

## If you have trouble controlling your ZEN17 via Z-Wave commands, it could be out of range or experiencing connectivity issues. The Universal Relay has a range of up to 350 feet (line of sight) and uses the latest 700 series Z-Wave chip. Even so, the range is determined by the specific structure of your home and the…

Can't Add My ZEN17 Universal Relay to Home Assistant

## Trouble pairing you ZEN17 to Home Assistant? Give exclusion a try! Any Z-Wave device can be excluded, even if it's never been included to a Z-Wave network. The process acts as a soft reset and can help resolve any configuration issues. Here's how to exclude your ZEN17 from Home Assistant: 1. In Home Assistant:…

Can't Add My ZEN17 Universal Relay to Hubitat

## ZEN17 not pairing to Hubitat? Give exclusion a try! The exclusion process acts as a soft reset for any Z-Wave device and can often help the hub recognize the device faster and more easily after it's been excluded. You can exclude the Universal Relay from Hubitat even if it has never been paired before. Give the st…

How to Use the ZEN17 Universal Relay to Monitor Analog Sensors

## Do you want to be notified when your analog water sensor detects a leak, or when your dry contact switch changes state? The ZEN17 can do it! Save on batteries while monitoring up to 2 binary sensors at one time with the ZEN17. While the Universal Relay will not report varied values, like from a temperature sensor,…

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