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Showing articles from Vera tag

My ZEN16 Multirelay Shows "Can't Detect Device" in Vera

## A "Can't Detect Device" error suggests a range or connectivity issue. If the ZEN16 displays as "can't detect device" in your Vera app, try to resolve the issue by using **Update Neighbor Nodes. **This is a helpful feature in Vera's interface that allows you to refresh the connections between hub and the devices an…

Can't Add My ZEN34 Remote Switch to Vera

## Trouble adding your ZEN34 to Vera? Try exclusion first! Even if the Remote Switch was never added to your hub, you can still remove it. The process will act as a soft reset and help with any configuration or inclusion issues. You'll want to follow the inclusion steps one more time: 1. Select the **Devices** ta…

My ZSE42 Water Leak XS Sensor Shows Offline in Vera

# Is your ZSE42 not responding to Z-Wave commands? This suggests a range or connectivity issue. After adding your ZSE42 Water Leak XS Sensor successfully, the next best step is to refresh the mesh connections in your network. Utilize the **Update Neighbor Nodes **in Vera**. **This will allow Vera to find the most eff…

My ZSE41 Open | Close XS Sensor Shows Offline in Vera

# Is your ZSE41 not responding to Z-Wave commands? This could point to a range or connectivity issue. After including your ZSE41 Open|Close XS Sensor successfully, the next best step is to refresh the mesh connections in your network. This is done by utilizing **Update Neighbor Nodes **in Vera**. **This will help Ver…

My ZSE44 Temperature | Humidity XS Sensor Shows Offline in Vera

# Does your Temperature | Humidity Sensor show offline? A range or connectivity issue could be the cause. Once you have included your ZSE44 successfully, refreshing the connections in your mesh network is the next step. You can do this in Vera with a simple feature called **Update Neighbor Nodes.** It will help Vera …

My ZAC36 Valve Actuator Shows Offline in Vera

# Is your ZAC36 unresponsive to Z-Wave commands? This suggests a range or connectivity issue. After including your ZAC36 Titan Water Valve Actuator successfully, the next best step is to refresh the mesh connections in your network. This is done by utilizing **Update Neighbor Nodes **in Vera**. **This will help Vera …

Can't Add My ZSE41 Open | Close XS Sensor to Vera

To help with configuration or inclusion issues with your ZSE41 XS Sensor, start by excluding the sensor. This acts as a soft reset to help with any set- up issues. Here are the steps for excluding the ZSE41 Open|Close XS Sensor: 1. Tap the green **Retry** button in the bottom right corner of the app - this will pu…

Can't Add My ZSE42 Open | Close XS Sensor to Vera

Having trouble including the ZSE42 to Vera? Start by excluding the sensor from your Vera hub. Exclusion acts as a soft reset to help with any set-up issues. Follow the steps below to exclude the ZSE42 Water Leak XS Sensor: 1. Tap the green **Retry** button in the bottom right corner of the app - this will put Vera…

Can't Add My ZSE43 Tilt | Shock XS Sensor to Vera

Having trouble including your ZSE43 XS Sensor? Try excluding the device. This process acts as a soft reset to help with any configuration or inclusion issues. Here are the steps for excluding the ZSE43: 1. Tap the green **Retry** button in the bottom right corner of the app - this will put Vera into exclusion mode…

My ZEN52 Double Relay Shows Offline in Vera

# Are you unable to control your ZEN52 Double Relay via Z-Wave commands? This could point to a range or connectivity issue. After ensuring your ZEN52 Double Relay was paired successfully, the next best step is to refresh the connections in your mesh network, by utilizing the **Update Neighbor Nodes **feature in Vera.…

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