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Showing articles from ZEN31 tag

How to Trigger a Light Effect / Animation on ZEN31 in Hubitat

## The RGBW Dimmer comes with 5 light effect modes to set a mood or just have some fun with your lights: fireplace, storm, rainbow, polar lights, and police (strobing red, white, and blue). Here's how to trigger any of these animation using the Hubitat Rule Machine. 1. Create a virtual switch device: Under **Devices …

How to Access Advanced Settings for ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer on Hubitat

## The ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer is officially integrated with Hubitat and will be recognized out of the box. If you're missing any functionality or notice any issues with how the device is handled on Hubitat, please try the custom driver instead: Here is the first version of the custom driver for the ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer: htt…

How Do I Perform Hard Reset on My ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer?

## Hard reset can help with a variety of configuration and connectivity issues. You also reset the device's kWh energy use meter if you'd like to refresh the readings. It's also a good idea to try reset if your RGBW Dimmer is unresponsive to manual or Z-Wave commands, especially if you already gave [exclusion][1] a t…

How to Add Your RGBW Dimmer ZEN31 to Home Assistant

## Once you've wired up your RGBW Dimmer and confirmed that the unit is powered, it's time to add it to your Home Assistant network: Zooz products are now officially integrated with the [new ZWaveJS integration of Home Assistant][1]. If you're experiencing issues with accessing the advanced settings of your ZEN31 we …

My ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer Won't Control the Lights

### You've wired up your RGBW Dimmer and find that it's not working quite right. If using your RGBW Dimmer with an on/off switch or momentary switch, you should be able to control the connected lights successfully directly from the switch. If your dimmer is not connected to a switch, you should be able to control it …

ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer Advanced Settings

## Here is a full list of advanced settings (parameters) for the ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer: ### _On Off Status After Power Failure_ **Parameter 1: **Set the on off status for the RGBW Dimmer after power failure. **Values: ** 0 – forced to OFF (regardless of state prior to power outage); 1 – remembers and restores on/off …

My ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer Shows Offline in SmartThings

## If your device is showing "offline" this could mean there's an issue with range or configuration. Here's what to try first: **Network repair** is a helpful feature that allows you to refresh your mesh network's connections. See the steps below: 1. Open your SmartThings app and locate your SmartThings hub under …

Can't Add My ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer to SmartThings

## If you're experiencing inclusion issues with your device, exclusion is always the first thing to try. But first, check that you've installed the [Edge driver for the ZEN31][1]. Without the driver, the ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer won't be recognized by SmartThings correctly. Once you've confirmed that the driver has been in…

What Devices Can I Use with My ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer?

## The RGBW Dimmer should only be used with 12-24V DC LED strips and fixtures. The dimmer can handle 10A total (between all channels), but it can handle up to 6A per channel. If powered by 12V DC, the module can handle up to 120W total. If powered by 24V DC, it can handle up to 240W total. Check out the device's spec…

ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer & Compatible Hubs

## Will the ZEN31 RGBW Dimmer work with my hub? The dimmer works great with the following Z-Wave systems: * **[Z-Box Hub][1] (recommended for all Zooz products)** * Fibaro Home Center 2 * Fibaro Home Center Lite * Home Assistant (Z-Wave JS) * HomeSeer * Homey ([Zooz App for Homey][2]) * Hubitat * ISY…

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