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Home > Security Sensors & Sirens > ZSE43 Tilt | Shock Sensor > ZSE43 & Vera > My ZSE43 Tilt | Shock XS Sensor Shows Offline in Vera
My ZSE43 Tilt | Shock XS Sensor Shows Offline in Vera
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Is your ZSE43 not responding to Z-Wave commands? It could be a range or connectivity issue.

After including your ZSE43 successfully, the next best step is to refresh the connections in your mesh network. This is accomplished in Vera with a helpful feature called Update Neighbor Nodes. It will help Vera find the most efficient route to your switch.


Here are the steps for Updating Neighbor Nodes in Vera:

  1. Use a computer to log into and select your hub.
  2. From the Dashboard, select Settings
  3. Select Z-Wave Settings
  4. Click on the Advanced tab
  5. At the bottom of the advanced tab, you'll see a GO button to run the “Update Neighbor Nodes”. The process can take several minutes or over an hour depending on the size of your Z-Wave network.

You can also try excluding and re-including the ZSE43 to ensure Vera finds the most efficient communication route to the device. The exclusion process acts as a soft reset to help with connectivity. 


If you're still experiencing issues after trying all the above, please let us know! We're here to help! 

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