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Home > Smart Relays > ZEN16 MultiRelay > My ZEN16 MultiRelay Isn't Powering Up
My ZEN16 MultiRelay Isn't Powering Up
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You've wired up your MultiRelay and connected it to a power source, but the LED indicator isn't lighting up.

It's possible that the USB cable is not compatible with the MultiRelay. We don't recommend using laptop or tablet chargers for this application since we found that if the power supply is too large, it will not activate without a substantial load (like a large tablet or laptop battery). Instead, use a simple 1A power adapter like the one here. We also recommend trying out a different USB cable since not all USB C cables are created equal. 


If you've tried different cables and it doesn't help, review the wiring diagrams and double check that all the connections are correct. Verify that the connected loads are compatible with the MultiRelay. If you're still unable to find the source of the issue after this, one last thing to try is a factory reset of the unit. 


If you've tried all of the above and none of it helps, please reach out to us! Our team will be happy to help.


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